This is the final edit of the documentary. Skin Deep:
Radio Trailer
This is our radio trailer for our documentary:
Print Advert
This is the print advert to advertise our documentary in newspapers:
Monday, 11 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Question 1 - In what way does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My product does not develop or challenge the forms and conventions of a real media product.
I stuck to the codes and conventions of a professionally made documentary in order to ensure that my product used the codes and conventions correctly to make the documentary and the ancillary tasks were made to a profession standard.
The codes and conventions that I tried to ensure that I used were;
The use of graphics
I used graphics in a clear font that would be easily read throughout when showing interviews on the screen I used graphics underneath to anchor the name of the person being interviewed, I also ensured that the graphics were on screen long enough so that the audience did not miss reading what they said and to anchor who the person is and their relevance to the topic.
The Day I Died
The use of cutaways
I used cutaways to break up large chunks of interviews in the documentary and to also prevent any jump cuts when the questions asked by the interviewer were edited out to follow the codes and conventions of an interview in a documentary.
Framing of interviews
I ensured that the framing of interviews was done correctly to follow the codes and conventions of a documentary, to do this I framed the interviewee’s so that their eye line was approximately one third of the way up the screen and that they were framed to either the left or right hand side of the screen, this follows the conventions of a typical documentary to ensure that they interviewee is clear to see.
The Day I Died
My Documentary
Voice over relevant to the documentary
We used a young male to do our voice over as it suited the target audience of our documentary. A male voice over was also stereotypical for a documentary with the subject that we had chosen as the main range of extreme body documentaries on channel 4 use male voice over’s, the voice over worked well in our documentary as it is the glue which holds the narrative together.
Archive Material
We also used archive material in our 5 minutes and to link the voice over and topics together following the conventions of other mixed documentaries. The archive material was also used as cutaways and to introduce different topics into the documentary, for example the first part of the 5 minutes focuses on the tattoo side of the documentary and the second half focuses mainly on piercings’, when the second part of the documentary started archive material was used along with the voice over to introduce the change in topic.
On Wraiths and Ring
Mise En Scene
We used mise en scenes in the background of the interviews that were relevant to the person we were interviewing, we used backgrounds from the peoples everyday lives, for example, the interview with Josh Gilroy was done in his bedroom with his own personal surrounding around him, we did this to bring in his personal belongings as well as his opinions as the background of his bedroom shows what he is like as a person.
Plastered T Shirts Story Workshop (part1)
Editing Techniques
When editing the interviews we used various techniques such as fading and cross fading to make the material more interesting.
Showing a dissolve: shot before/dissolve/shot after The Day I Died
My Documentary
The use of Voxpop’s We also used voxpop’s in our documentary to follow the code and conventions of a typical mixed documentary and to get peoples reactions after viewing images of people with lots of tattoo or piercings and to intrigue the audience.
Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
Coherence is created across the package of the documentary, radio trailer and print advert. The coherence is created through the use of a consistent title on all three products, the channel and scheduling is also kept the same on the print advert and the radio trailer.
The voice over that is used in the documentary is also used in the radio trailer to keep a consistency between the two products. Extracts from the documentary are used in the radio trailer so the audience recognises parts of the documentary in the trailer. The image on the print advert is relevant to the subject of the documentary as it shows piercings.
The Radio Trailer The radio trailer will appear on national stations as the documentary will be shown on channel 4 the radio trailer cannot be aired on BBC or ITV stations as they are competitors of channel 4.
It will be aired on:
Virgin Classic FM
Heart FM
Print Advert
The print advert will appear in various newspapers. It will appear in:
• Observer
• Guardian
• Express
• Daily Mail
• Telegraph
The print advert has been made landscape to make it a more versatile shape/format. By making the print advert this shape it will fit on a page at any size and it is exactly the correct shape for a billboard if it was decided to do a campaign outside of newspaper advertisement.
The image on the print advert is relevant to the documentary as it is shows images of a collage of faces to represent individuality. The image shows faces with a variety of features, some of the faces show piercings and others show none this represents that everyone has their own opinion to the topic and that some people have modified their bodies whereas others have not which is what the documentary is all about.
Question 3 - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
We did a group feedback session were we invited a group of people to watch our documentary, listen to our radio trailer and to have a look at our print advert. I also did some independent audience feedback to collect more opinions about our documentary, radio trailer and print advert. Group Audience Feedback After showing the group the three parts of our work we asked them a set of eight questions.
Question 1 – Now you have seen the first 5 minutes of the documentary would you want to watch the rest of it?
The 100% of the group said that they would watch the rest of the documentary.
‘Yes, as I am interested in tattoos and why people get them, so I would watch the rest so I could see more interviews with people who have got them’
‘It is not something I would usually watch but that made me want to see more’
‘Yes, it is extremely interesting’
‘Yea, I would continue watching it, because its interesting and the pictures you’ve got in it and the people there quite weird I want to see what drove them to do what they did’
‘Yes because I’m interested in the subject anyway’
Question 2 – What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
‘Historical information gave the audience more information about the background of the practices’
‘The cutaways were used effectively and were interesting'
‘The voxpop’s had a range of people in them like male and female and old and young people’
‘The music related to the subject matter’
‘The voice over is a bit quiet at times’
‘You can hear the wind over the interview with Sasha Jones; it distracts us from what is said’
Question 3 – Do you think it is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
‘Yes as it is similar to other extreme body documentaries that they show on channel 4’
‘Yes, the extremity of the topic suits the channel well’
‘Yes it goes very well with the other documentaries that are shown on the channel’
‘Yes I think the program is appropriate for channel 4 because it’s a bit mad and different’
Question 4 – What do you think would be an appropriate target audience for the documentary and why?
‘A wide audience, both old and young people are used in the documentary so it could appeal to both the old and young to watch it’
‘People with an interest of the topic’
‘The history is in depth so it could appeal to the older generation’
‘Anyone with tattoos or piercings could find this documentary interesting so I don’t think there can be a target age or sex for it’
Question 5 – Do you think it was professional and why?
‘It was done professionally although some bits need tidying up’
‘Yes the order of the documentary worked well and professionally’
‘Yes the framing of interviews was done professionally’
Question 6 – How does it compare to a professional documentary?
‘The graphics are done like in a professional documentary’
‘More actuality footage is needed to make it more professional’
‘The framing of the interviews are done professionally’
‘The way the documentary is ordered’
Radio Question – What are the strengths and weaknesses of the radio trailer?
‘The music creates coherence between the documentary and the radio trailer’
‘The music chosen goes well with the topic’
‘The content of the trailer is good’
‘The voiceover is quiet at times’
‘The music is a bit too loud at times’
Print Advert Question – What are the strengths and weaknesses of the print advert?
‘The colours that are used to help distinguish between the different sections of the face’
‘It works well and looks like a typical channel 4 advert’
‘The title hints at what the documentary is about which is what it is suppose to do’
‘The cutting around the face could have been a bit tidier’
Name: Jenny
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Question - Now you have seen the first 5 minutes of the documentary would you want to watch the rest of it?
Answer - ‘It is not something I would usually watch but that made me want to see more’
Name: Lauren
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary? Answer - ‘The voxpop’s had a range of people in them like male and female and old and young people’
Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary? Answer - ‘You can hear the wind over the interview with Sasha Jones; it distracts us from what is said’
Name: Radu
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Question - Do you think it is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
Answer - ‘Yes it goes very well with the other documentaries that are shown on the channel’
Name: Richard
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Question - How does it compare to a professional documentary?
Answer - ‘The framing of the interviews are done professionally’ AND ‘The way the documentary is ordered’
Name: Anna
Age: 15
Occupation: Pupil
Question - What are the strengths and weaknesses of the radio trailer?
Answer - ‘The music chosen goes well with the topic’ AND ‘The content of the trailer is good’
Question - Do you think the documentary is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
Answer - ‘Yes I think the program is appropriate for channel 4 because it’s a bit mad and different’
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
Answer - ‘The way the graphics come on the screen’
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
Answer - ‘The voice over is a bit quiet at times’
Question - What do you think would be an appropriate target audience for the documentary and why?
Answer - ‘Anyone with tattoos or piercings could find this documentary interesting so I don’t think there can be a target age or sex for it’
Question - Do you think it was professional and why?
Answer - ‘Yes the framing of interviews was done professionally’
Question 4 - How did you use technology?
I used a variety of technologies throughout my work for this unit.
Whilst making the documentary and completing the ancillary tasks I used a range of technologies to complete my work.
During the research for the documentary I used the internet using search engines such as Google and ask for research as well as YouTube and photo bucket to collect research into professional documentaries along with Adobe Premier to edit clips that I had collected from professional documentaries.
I used Video Cameras, Stills Cameras and microphones for the construction, to collect the footage needed for the documentary. I used a recording studio to record the voice over and the radio trailer. I used Adobe Premier to do the editing for my documentary and radio trailer. I also used Adobe Photoshop for my print advert.
For the evaluation I have used Stills Cameras to take the photographs for my audience research, as well as using voice recorders, video camera’s and microphones for this section of the evaluation. I have also used Adobe Premier to collect screen grabs of our documentary and screen grabs of professionally made documentaries for comparison. I also used Adobe Photoshop for the production of the mood board I created.
My product does not develop or challenge the forms and conventions of a real media product.
I stuck to the codes and conventions of a professionally made documentary in order to ensure that my product used the codes and conventions correctly to make the documentary and the ancillary tasks were made to a profession standard.
The codes and conventions that I tried to ensure that I used were;
The use of graphics
I used graphics in a clear font that would be easily read throughout when showing interviews on the screen I used graphics underneath to anchor the name of the person being interviewed, I also ensured that the graphics were on screen long enough so that the audience did not miss reading what they said and to anchor who the person is and their relevance to the topic.
The Day I Died
The use of cutaways
I used cutaways to break up large chunks of interviews in the documentary and to also prevent any jump cuts when the questions asked by the interviewer were edited out to follow the codes and conventions of an interview in a documentary.
Framing of interviews
I ensured that the framing of interviews was done correctly to follow the codes and conventions of a documentary, to do this I framed the interviewee’s so that their eye line was approximately one third of the way up the screen and that they were framed to either the left or right hand side of the screen, this follows the conventions of a typical documentary to ensure that they interviewee is clear to see.
The Day I Died
My Documentary
Voice over relevant to the documentary
We used a young male to do our voice over as it suited the target audience of our documentary. A male voice over was also stereotypical for a documentary with the subject that we had chosen as the main range of extreme body documentaries on channel 4 use male voice over’s, the voice over worked well in our documentary as it is the glue which holds the narrative together.
Archive Material
We also used archive material in our 5 minutes and to link the voice over and topics together following the conventions of other mixed documentaries. The archive material was also used as cutaways and to introduce different topics into the documentary, for example the first part of the 5 minutes focuses on the tattoo side of the documentary and the second half focuses mainly on piercings’, when the second part of the documentary started archive material was used along with the voice over to introduce the change in topic.
On Wraiths and Ring
Mise En Scene
We used mise en scenes in the background of the interviews that were relevant to the person we were interviewing, we used backgrounds from the peoples everyday lives, for example, the interview with Josh Gilroy was done in his bedroom with his own personal surrounding around him, we did this to bring in his personal belongings as well as his opinions as the background of his bedroom shows what he is like as a person.
Plastered T Shirts Story Workshop (part1)
Editing Techniques
When editing the interviews we used various techniques such as fading and cross fading to make the material more interesting.
Showing a dissolve: shot before/dissolve/shot after The Day I Died
My Documentary
The use of Voxpop’s We also used voxpop’s in our documentary to follow the code and conventions of a typical mixed documentary and to get peoples reactions after viewing images of people with lots of tattoo or piercings and to intrigue the audience.
Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
Coherence is created across the package of the documentary, radio trailer and print advert. The coherence is created through the use of a consistent title on all three products, the channel and scheduling is also kept the same on the print advert and the radio trailer.
The voice over that is used in the documentary is also used in the radio trailer to keep a consistency between the two products. Extracts from the documentary are used in the radio trailer so the audience recognises parts of the documentary in the trailer. The image on the print advert is relevant to the subject of the documentary as it shows piercings.
The Radio Trailer The radio trailer will appear on national stations as the documentary will be shown on channel 4 the radio trailer cannot be aired on BBC or ITV stations as they are competitors of channel 4.
It will be aired on:
Virgin Classic FM
Heart FM
Print Advert
The print advert will appear in various newspapers. It will appear in:
• Observer
• Guardian
• Express
• Daily Mail
• Telegraph
The print advert has been made landscape to make it a more versatile shape/format. By making the print advert this shape it will fit on a page at any size and it is exactly the correct shape for a billboard if it was decided to do a campaign outside of newspaper advertisement.
The image on the print advert is relevant to the documentary as it is shows images of a collage of faces to represent individuality. The image shows faces with a variety of features, some of the faces show piercings and others show none this represents that everyone has their own opinion to the topic and that some people have modified their bodies whereas others have not which is what the documentary is all about.
Question 3 - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
We did a group feedback session were we invited a group of people to watch our documentary, listen to our radio trailer and to have a look at our print advert. I also did some independent audience feedback to collect more opinions about our documentary, radio trailer and print advert. Group Audience Feedback After showing the group the three parts of our work we asked them a set of eight questions.
Question 1 – Now you have seen the first 5 minutes of the documentary would you want to watch the rest of it?
The 100% of the group said that they would watch the rest of the documentary.
‘Yes, as I am interested in tattoos and why people get them, so I would watch the rest so I could see more interviews with people who have got them’
‘It is not something I would usually watch but that made me want to see more’
‘Yes, it is extremely interesting’
‘Yea, I would continue watching it, because its interesting and the pictures you’ve got in it and the people there quite weird I want to see what drove them to do what they did’
‘Yes because I’m interested in the subject anyway’
Question 2 – What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
‘Historical information gave the audience more information about the background of the practices’
‘The cutaways were used effectively and were interesting'
‘The voxpop’s had a range of people in them like male and female and old and young people’
‘The music related to the subject matter’
‘The voice over is a bit quiet at times’
‘You can hear the wind over the interview with Sasha Jones; it distracts us from what is said’
Question 3 – Do you think it is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
‘Yes as it is similar to other extreme body documentaries that they show on channel 4’
‘Yes, the extremity of the topic suits the channel well’
‘Yes it goes very well with the other documentaries that are shown on the channel’
‘Yes I think the program is appropriate for channel 4 because it’s a bit mad and different’
Question 4 – What do you think would be an appropriate target audience for the documentary and why?
‘A wide audience, both old and young people are used in the documentary so it could appeal to both the old and young to watch it’
‘People with an interest of the topic’
‘The history is in depth so it could appeal to the older generation’
‘Anyone with tattoos or piercings could find this documentary interesting so I don’t think there can be a target age or sex for it’
Question 5 – Do you think it was professional and why?
‘It was done professionally although some bits need tidying up’
‘Yes the order of the documentary worked well and professionally’
‘Yes the framing of interviews was done professionally’
Question 6 – How does it compare to a professional documentary?
‘The graphics are done like in a professional documentary’
‘More actuality footage is needed to make it more professional’
‘The framing of the interviews are done professionally’
‘The way the documentary is ordered’
Radio Question – What are the strengths and weaknesses of the radio trailer?
‘The music creates coherence between the documentary and the radio trailer’
‘The music chosen goes well with the topic’
‘The content of the trailer is good’
‘The voiceover is quiet at times’
‘The music is a bit too loud at times’
Print Advert Question – What are the strengths and weaknesses of the print advert?
‘The colours that are used to help distinguish between the different sections of the face’
‘It works well and looks like a typical channel 4 advert’
‘The title hints at what the documentary is about which is what it is suppose to do’
‘The cutting around the face could have been a bit tidier’
Name: Jenny
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Question - Now you have seen the first 5 minutes of the documentary would you want to watch the rest of it?
Answer - ‘It is not something I would usually watch but that made me want to see more’
Name: Lauren
Age: 18
Occupation: Student
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary? Answer - ‘The voxpop’s had a range of people in them like male and female and old and young people’
Name: Rachel
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary? Answer - ‘You can hear the wind over the interview with Sasha Jones; it distracts us from what is said’
Name: Radu
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Question - Do you think it is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
Answer - ‘Yes it goes very well with the other documentaries that are shown on the channel’
Name: Richard
Age: 20
Occupation: Student
Question - How does it compare to a professional documentary?
Answer - ‘The framing of the interviews are done professionally’ AND ‘The way the documentary is ordered’
Name: Anna
Age: 15
Occupation: Pupil
Question - What are the strengths and weaknesses of the radio trailer?
Answer - ‘The music chosen goes well with the topic’ AND ‘The content of the trailer is good’
Question - Do you think the documentary is appropriate for channel 4 and why?
Answer - ‘Yes I think the program is appropriate for channel 4 because it’s a bit mad and different’
Question - Now you have seen the first 5 minutes of the documentary would you want to watch the rest of it?
Answer - ‘Yea, I would continue watching it, because its interesting and the pictures you’ve got in it and the people there quite weird I want to see what drove them to do what they did’
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
Answer - ‘The way the graphics come on the screen’
Question - What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?
Answer - ‘The voice over is a bit quiet at times’
Question - What do you think would be an appropriate target audience for the documentary and why?
Answer - ‘Anyone with tattoos or piercings could find this documentary interesting so I don’t think there can be a target age or sex for it’
Question - Do you think it was professional and why?
Answer - ‘Yes the framing of interviews was done professionally’
Question 4 - How did you use technology?
I used a variety of technologies throughout my work for this unit.
Whilst making the documentary and completing the ancillary tasks I used a range of technologies to complete my work.
During the research for the documentary I used the internet using search engines such as Google and ask for research as well as YouTube and photo bucket to collect research into professional documentaries along with Adobe Premier to edit clips that I had collected from professional documentaries.
I used Video Cameras, Stills Cameras and microphones for the construction, to collect the footage needed for the documentary. I used a recording studio to record the voice over and the radio trailer. I used Adobe Premier to do the editing for my documentary and radio trailer. I also used Adobe Photoshop for my print advert.
For the evaluation I have used Stills Cameras to take the photographs for my audience research, as well as using voice recorders, video camera’s and microphones for this section of the evaluation. I have also used Adobe Premier to collect screen grabs of our documentary and screen grabs of professionally made documentaries for comparison. I also used Adobe Photoshop for the production of the mood board I created.
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